
by the community, for the community


Message from the Carnival Committee

Firstly our thanks to everyone who’s contributed, participated, lived and breathed Carnival over the years. By being part of Carnival you will be celebrating something special, an event dating back to at least 1933 (and maybe even before 1542 according to some books !!)

This is Malmesbury’s Carnival: By the Community, For the Community.

Thanks to the efforts of the everyone involved, every year since 2018, Full Carnival has granted over £17,000 to local good causes and charities. With your help, we hope to increase that sum each year.....!

But Carnival is about more than even this. Carnival has always been about connecting the community, raising our town’s profile and having fun too! This is a legacy we are keen to nurture.

On behalf of the committee we would like to thank our sponsors, hosts, players, volunteers and everyone else who helps make Malmesbury Carnival the amazing event it is.

Want to really know more, check out our Facebook page, look at the Website, or come to as many Carnival Events as you can !!

See you at Carnival!

Mike & Paul

Co-Chairs, Malmesbury Carnival


Carnival Committee Members




Spent a life managing the education of small children. So probably feels right at home co-leading this Committee….!! Possibly part of the Burni-Row mafia.
Likes sophistication in electronics and excel spreadsheets, plumbing, and beer. But not necessarily in that order. Potentially another member of the Burni-Row mafia.
The human dynamo. Connect Linzi to the National Grid and you've solved Climate Change.  Simply organises everything.


Our very own Carnival Kiwi controls the purse strings and ensures the balance sheet is on an even keel.
Relentless in the search for sponsorship and constantly stunned by the level of local business support. And health and safety - what could possibly go wrong ??!!
Just moved to Malmesbury. But hang on, didn't he live in that same house before he moved to Bath ?? Claims he came back 'cos Bath doesn't have a Carnival…!!
Helps run the scarecrow trail, when he's not on stage singing and dancing.
Wish we could run 10k as quick as Sarah !!

Steve D

Another returnee to Malmesbury (you can take the man out of Malmesbury, but you can’t take Malmesbury out of the man !!). Bringing welcome skills and enthusiasm to the Committee.
Richard H
A man of many talents, this Jackdaw is never shy of Carnival publicity.
New to Malmesbury, Florence immediately threw herself into the world of Carnival. Brave, very brave!
An Athelstan Player - Sue is a class act!
Steve J
Ex-artillery man Steve calls the shots when the Carnival team are out on manoeuvres.
Previously a Carnival volunteer, has now signed up to the full committee 
Richard S
Has also volunteered in the past and now a welcome new member of the committee

Our thanks to previous Committee Members

We’d like to thank Will Taylor who has left after several years of sterling service as the Carnival Treasurer. On his watch we have been able to distribute over £90,000 in grants to local charities and good causes. Will has also undertaken that most important Carnival role of 'bar manager', as well as taking on a myriad of other responsibilities! His contribution will be greatly missed.


Stick with us, this bit is more interesting than it sounds!
  • The Committee are all Volunteers (and as such they should get an orange at Christmas. At least one).
  • You can Volunteer at any time of the year to help run Carnival events, and the time you give is entirely up to you.
  • Be prepared for hard work, fun, hard work, a real sense of reward and hard work. Have we got the message across?
  • It's mainly fun though!!

If you would you like to volunteer, we'd love to hear from you.


Malmesbury Carnival is registered with the Charities Commission, our registration is 1144055. Carnival has a Constitution and By-Laws. As a Charity, Carnival has Trustees.

The Charities Commission says:

Trustees are the people who lead the charity and decide how it is run. Being a trustee means making decisions that will impact on people's lives. Depending on what the charity does, you will be making a difference to your local community or to society as a whole.Trustees use their skills and experience to support their charities, helping them achieve their aims. Trustees also often learn new skills during their time on the board.

We can't argue with that.

Carnival has Officers. We have a Chairperson (or two co-chairs in 2022). Also a Deputy Chair, Treasurer, Secretary. Most of the Trustees are also Officers.Then we have the Committee. As many as you like because there's a lot to do...

So what do they all do?
  • Organise Carnival
  • Book locations
  • Book acts
  • Chalk out pitches for Petticoat Lane
  • Collect raffle prizes from local businesses
  • Organise printing of posters
  • Meet people (lots of people)
  • Put the barriers out for Procession
  • Encourage Grant Applications for local causes
  • and... ensure Carnival is enjoyable to everyone – including themselves!
And they all make a difference to our local community and help ensure Malmesbury continues to be that very special place to live!

Malmesbury Carnival Community Radio will return for Carnival 2025